Speed Racer is a manga and anime. The manga debuted in 1966 with the anime shortly behind it in 1967. Both were sadly short lived, as they ended in 1968. It proved to be extremely popular as it was translated to English and broadcast on ABC. In the 1990s, Speed Racer was revamped and brought back for the modern generation, but they kept things pretty faithful to its original. However it was taken off the air shortly after airing as the production company did not approve. Still, it has since been turned into a live-action movie and another new cartoon for Nickelodeon, but the franchise is still popular and well-loved. This vintage Speed Racer shirt, nicely worn and faded in excellent condition, is from 1998.
Dimensions: 21" Wide by 25.25" Long
Tag Size: N/A
Country of Origin: N/A
Brand: N/A