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Vintage Moondog "Melinda Beck" Fan Made T-Shirt

Moondog was a New York hardcore band from the late 80s. Founded by Walter Schreifels of Gorilla Biscuits, Youth Of Today, WarZone, Supertouch (uncredited), and later of Quicksand, Rival Schools, World's Fastest Car, Pearl Harbor, Memory Of A Free Festival, Dead Heavens, and Vanishing Life, the band was mostly a side project. There was an unreleased demo and some live shows, but Moondog existed concurrently with the end of GB, and so they seemed to have taken the backseat. Eventually, the songs made their way out to the public, though. They were a little bit like Gorilla Biscuits in a more minor key, a further approach of bringing harDCore and NYHC together into one mean, melodic mess. One song, "The Distance," was even performed by Gorilla Biscuits towards the end of the band and was later re-recorded on several occasions by Walter. A lot of it still remains a mystery, though, as a lack of documentation inhibits a full understanding of the band. What we do know is that the songs are amazing. This vintage fan made Moondog shirt from the early 2000s, in excellent condition with light wear, features Melinda Beck art who was known for her work with Quicksand. 

Dimensions: 22" Wide by 28.75" Long 

Tag Size: L

Country of Origin: Made in Honduras

Brand: Jerzees Heavyweight Blend
