Gorilla Biscuits are a straight edge hardcore band from New York, NY founded in 1986. After making a name for themselves by being regulars at CBGB Sunday matinees, GB released a self-titled 7" and their Start Today LP on Revelation Records in 1988 and 1989, respectively. Though steeped in NYHC tradition, the records were different, a new kind of thing. Their sound was a little more melodic than a lot of other bands in the scene, a trajectory that guitarist Walter Schreifels followed with his post-GB bands like Quicksand, Rivals Schools, and Walking Concert. But despite being catchy at times, they were still hard and moshable. The band has since gotten back together and remained active since 2006 with the band's most notable lineup of Civ, Walter on guitar, Lukey Luke on drums, Arthur on bass, with Alex Brown on guitar until his untimely passing in 2019. This poster features an alternative lineup with Porcell from Youth Of Today and Judge filling in for the band. This original Gorilla Biscuits foam core poster, in excellent condition with pinholes and some bends and creases, is a promotional piece made by Revelation Records in 1993.
Dimensions: 24" Wide by 18" Long