Curb Your Enthusiasm is a comedy show created by and starring Larry David. David, of course, was a writer and creator for Seinfeld, the primetime comedy show about nothing that became one of the most significant cultural series in the late 20th century. Curb was along the same lines but different. This time the main character was a fictionalized version of Larry, played by himself, which saw him just trying to live a normal life but running into issues both personally and professionally. The show, which still runs to this day for over 10 seasons, became a huge success itself, both critically and with fans.This original Curb Your Enthusiasm long sleeve shirt, in great condition with light discoloration around the print, is an original promotional tee for the long-running comedy.
Dimensions: 21" Wide by 26.50" Long
Tag Size: L
Country of Origin: Made in U.S.A.
Brand: American Apparel