Warner Bros. debuted Looney Tunes in 1930. The cartoon series brought us such timeless characters as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Yosemite Sam, Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, and The Tasmanian Devil just to name a few. The show has stayed relevant since its inception, finding new audiences in every generation. In the 1990s, the Looney Tunes characters were often featured on cool clothes wearing cool outfits. This original Looney Tunes crewneck, nicely worn and faded in great condition, is an perfect example of some 90s Looney Tunes merch. Fits like an XS but please refer to our measurements for exact sizing.
50% Cotton 50% Polyester
Dimensions: 18" Wide by 23" Long
Tag Size: XL
Country of Origin: Made in U.S.A.
Brand: Tultex