Strife, the 90s California straight edge hardcore band, released In This Defiance, their sophomore album, on the Victory label in 1997. The band had formed a few years earlier and were taking the scene by storm with their brand of metallic and heavy hardcore. And so with a great album under their belt, they went out on the road bringing the songs to people, even before the album was actually out. Strife hit Japan in 1996 to get everyone excited for In This Defiance. The band split up in 1999 but reunited in 2001 and have played steadily since then, even releasing one more music. This original Strife windbreaker, lightly worn with a few light marks on the back, is from their Japanese tour in 1996 leading up to In This Defiance.
Dimensions: 26.75" Wide by 27.75" Long
Tag Size: XL
Country of Origin: Made in U.S.A.
Brand: Auburn