Ernest Powertools Worrell, played by Jim Varney, was initially a character created for commercials. Ernest would do plugs for various local companies, always using his catch phrase "KnoWhutIMean?" These ads quickly found a larger audience and Ernest began getting calls for national ads from huge companies. Instead of becoming a mouthpiece for other brands, Ernest began a television and film career, starring in a myriad of specials and movies, like the Ernest Goes To... series and Ernest Scared Stupid. It all started with those early bits though, originally directed by John Cherry. This vintage ringer, in great condition, features the iconic Ernest face on a tee for WHBQ, the local Tennessee station that originally aired the Ernest ads.
50% Cotton 50% Polyester
Dimensions: 20.25" Wide by 24.5" Long
Tag Size: L
Country of Origin: Made in U.S.A.
Brand: Screen Stars