Armageddon was a 1998 action film starring Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, and Liv Tyler. The movie, which was directed by the Michael Bay (Bad Boys, Transformers, 6 Underground) and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer (Beverly Hills Cop, Top Gun, Con Air). An all-star team all around. The movie is about an asteroid the size of Texas hurtling towards Earth and a brave team of astronauts whose mission is, once deployed, to drill a nuclear weapon into the asteroid and detonate it, saving Earth from a sixth mass extinction. I don't want to spoil it, but the movie is over 20 years old and made $550 million at the box office, so chances are you've seen it. Let's just say everything works out in the end. This original crew jacket from the film, in good condition with light wear on the collar, is a serious piece for a fan of the massively successful film.
Dimensions: 27.50" Wide by 26.75" Long
Tag Size: XL
Country of Origin: Made in Sri Lanka
Brand: Port Authority