American Idol is a singing competition started in 2002, originally airing on Fox before a brief hiatus before returning to ABC in 2018. The show takes a nobody singer and catapults them into pop stardom, landing the winner with a major record deal and a big budget management company. The platform of the show was revolutionary at the time, which involved national contestant auditions and viewer voting. Some notable contestants are Kelly Clarkson (winner of season 1), Clay Aiken (runner up of season 2), Carrie Underwood (winner of season 4), and William Hung (loser of season 3); judges Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson, Katy Perry, Jennifer Lopez, and Lionel Richie; and host Ryan Seacrest. This nicely worn in, faded shirt is from an American Idol tour that featured both Clay Aiken and Kelly Clarkson. Wear the shirt and channel the energy, and maybe you could be the next American Idol.
Dimensions: 21.25" Wide by 29.25" Long
Tag Size: L
Country of Origin: Made in Mexico
Brand: AAA